Hang-me lavender scent bags have a hole at the top of the bag for easy hanging in closets. The most effective solution against moths and one of our best sellers for wardrobes and flavoring the home naturally. The pleasant smell of lavender will last for about two years. Hang them on a hanger or on the button of a shirt or coat, their pleasant relaxing scent will refresh your clothes and the ambiance of your room. The pleasant smell of lavender will last for about two years.
Hang-me bags are a smaller and simpler variant of our luxury hanger bags . They are filled with aromatic lavender from Croatian fields and from ecological cultivation. It will also come in handy in the pocket of an expensive coat or in a purse. Such bags against moths have been a traditional part of many households in Croatia for hundreds of years. As we say - lavender bags for the closet - they give the rooms that old touch, when the smell of lavender, fresh linen sheets, duvets and massive wooden furniture are mixed. Unforgettable scent of childhood.
- filled with organic lavender from Croatian fields
- long-lasting and smells for more than two years
- great for hanging on coat buttons, hangers or shirts
- suitable for aromatizing the space and protecting clothes from moths