Wellness anti-stress massage oil formulated from precious almond and cold-pressed avocado oils with the addition of organic lavender oil. When you need a relaxing body massage with your partner, erotic massages or simply when you need good hydration for your dry skin. Avocado oil penetrates deep into the lower layers of the skin and deeply moisturizes, while almond provides the necessary nutrition for the skin for a shiny and healthy appearance. This natural cosmetic is gentle and pleasant to relax the senses while relaxing the body. Lavender oil soothes the skin, relaxes the mind and immediately removes stress.
ANTI-stress massage oil with lavender essential oil - a massage that envelops the skin in a silky feeling of comfort. Does not leave greasy marks. Contains 100% pure natural oils.
- the rich base consists of pure almond oil and avocado oil
- with the aromatherapeutic effect of pure lavender essential oil
- the massage softens the skin and relaxes the senses
- ideal for massage and skin care,
- foot massage and body massage is relaxing and simple with our oil