Hand-embroidered lavender cushion made of fine white cotton linen and hand-embroidered with a depiction of lavender flowers. It can be emptied and refilled with fresh flower for timeless freshness. Use them as gifts, in drawers, wardrobes, under pillows, wherever you want a touch of polished style and elegance. Our embroidered lavender pillows are washable and reusable. The pocket of the lavender pillow is closed with Velcro, which makes it easier to remove the lavender flower and add a new one. These unique lavender cushions have a timeless value and easily fit into a variety of uses.
- traditional souvenir with an embroidered lavender pattern
- the lavender pillow is filled with organic lavender from Croatian fields
- long-lasting room freshener - lavender scent lasts over 2 years
- flexible - can be easily emptied and filled with fresh lavender
- a tasteful and elegant decorative accessory